Fully Funded Scholarships In Italy

The Italy Government Scholarship for 2024–2025 is available to foreign students who want to study in Italy for master’s and doctoral degrees. The criteria for awarding fully funded scholarships in Italy include financial necessity, intellectual merit, and the student’s capacity to further the development of their home nations. Italy has an impressive history, a rich cultural legacy, and a stellar intellectual reputation. Students will be able to explore Italy’s rich culture and finish their higher education with the support of this fully financed scholarship.

For the 2024–25 MAECI Italy Government Scholarship, apply. Italian government scholarships are available to international students and Italian citizens each year through the Italian Ministry of international Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI). The purpose of the MAECI Scholarship is to enroll in PhD and master’s programs in public universities in Italy. The Italian government wants to promote the Italian language and culture through this scholarship.

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Nation: Italy

Degree: Ph.D. and postdoctoral; Italy; Bachelor, Master’s, Combined Bachelor & Master’s Italian institutions are home to the Scholarship For International Students Institute.

Countries Eligible: Any nationality

Application Closing Date: Not specified

Italy’s Government Scholarship Program

It will pay for every cost. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) is the sponsor of these scholarships. Neither the TOEFL nor the IELTS are required. Leading Italian universities provide courses in engineering, advanced technologies, architecture, design, economics, and management. The scholarship’s primary goal is to give students who want to study in Italy financial assistance. In Italy, there are 30 private institutions, 72 public universities, and 339 English-language courses. Every year, MAECI grants a restricted number of scholarships. We strongly advised you to submit an application for the 2024 Italian Government Scholarships.

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  • For a master’s scholarship, applicants need to have a bachelor’s degree, and for a PhD scholarship, they need to have a master’s degree.
  • To be eligible for master’s scholarships, they must be under twenty-eight years old at the time of application.
  • When applying for the PhD scholarship, students must be no older than thirty years old.
  • If applicants have any documentation of their language ability, it is required.
  • If they have taken English-language classes at their universities, they can present a certificate of English language competency.
  • Additionally, students taking courses in Italian have to turn in a certificate of Italian language competency.
  • They must also exhibit a need for money.
  • The most crucial requirement of all is that students must be citizens of poor nations.


  • The costs associated with enrollment and the waiver of tuition vary by university.
  • A stipend of 900 euros will be given to the students.
  • For the duration of their stay in Italy, health insurance will also be covered by the scholarship.
  • There will be an Italian language course for the students.
  • The chance to study at famous Italian universities.
  • Enjoy Italian culture and way of life while visiting.
  • The chance to tour historical locations.

How Do You Apply for the MAECI Scholarship?

If candidates apply to any Italian public university for admission, they may be eligible to apply for this fully funded scholarship. Thus, this scholarship will pay for their monthly allowance to meet expenditures, health insurance, free enrollment, and tuition. Additional details on MAECI Italy. Thus, if you want to be admitted, apply to any university in Italy. However, you lack the funds to cover the cost of your education.

  • If you are chosen for this MAECI Scholarship, your expenses will be covered.
  • Thus, MAECI Scholarship Program is supported by the majority of Italian public universities.
  • Choose MAECI Scholarship when submitting an application to any Italian university.
  • Online submissions are accepted for the Italy Government scholarship year 2023–2024.
  • To get access to the application, register on the portal.
  • Complete the online application form by providing all necessary information.
  • Finish up the application as totally as could be expected.
  • Applications cannot be accepted without the necessary information.

Read: Levitt Comninos Carlotti Foundation Scholarship

Countries Eligible

The following nations’ candidates are eligible to apply for this scholarship (MAECI):

Pakistan; Afghanistan; Albania; Algeria; Angola; Argentina; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Bielorussia; Bolivia; Bosnia-Erzegovina; Brazil; Bulgaria; Burkina-Faso; Cambogia; Camerun; Canada; Cile; Cina; Cipro; Colombia; Congo Kinsh.; Corea Sud; Costa D’avorio; Costarica; Croazia; Cuba, T. Palestinesi, Panama, Paraguay, Peru’, Polonia, Regno Unito, Repubblica Ceca, Romania, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Siria, Slovacchia, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Sud Africa, Sud Sudan, Sudan, Svizzera, Tagikistan, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailandia, Tunisia, Turkmenistan.


The Italy Government scholarship application deadline is June 9, 2024.

Read: Walden University Scholarships for International Students


International students who wish to pursue master’s and doctorate degrees in Italy can apply for the Italy Government Scholarship. The scholarship includes health insurance, a stipend, and tuition. In order to be considered, candidates must be citizens of developing nations, possess a solid academic record, be under 28 years old for master’s degrees or under 30 for PhDs, and hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree. June 9, 2024, is the deadline for applications.