Navy Federal ROTC All-American Scholarship Program


Navy Federal Credit Union introduced the ROTC All-American Scholarship Program in 2018 to celebrate the achievements of outstanding ROTC seniors nationwide.

Originally featuring exceptional senior ROTC students from 10 universities, the program has since expanded to include all ROTC programs across the country. The Scholarship Program recognizes rising senior ROTC students who exemplify the key values of Leadership, Military Excellence, Scholarship, and Service.

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Eligibility Criteria For Navy Federal ROTC All-American Scholarship Program

Leadership: Demonstrating exceptional leadership skills within both the ROTC program and the university.

Military Excellence: Ranking in the top 25% of the ROTC program and showcasing both physical and mental strength in military pursuits.

Scholarship: Achieving a top 25% ranking in both university academic class and ROTC academic courses, or maintaining a GPA of 3.5 or higher entering the senior year.

Service: Displaying an outstanding commitment to improving the community.

Once the submission period concludes, the judging and selection process identifies 12 ROTC All-American Finalists and 3 Students of the Year.

Selection Criteria For Navy Federal ROTC All-American Scholarship Program

A total of 15 students are chosen as ROTC All-American Program Finalists, representing each branch of service with 5 Army Finalists, 5 Navy/Marine Finalists, and 5 Air Force Finalists. From these 15 Finalists, 3 students are selected as Students of the Year, with one from each branch of service – 1 Army Student of the Year, 1 Navy/Marine Student of the Year, and 1 Air Force Student of the Year.

Reward Of Navy Federal ROTC All-American Scholarship Program

Students of the Year receive a $6,500 scholarship, along with national televised recognition and opportunities to share their achievements. Additionally, each Student of the Year’s corresponding ROTC Booster Club, Alumni Fund, or Student Fund receives a $5,000 donation.

The remaining 12 finalists are awarded a $2,500 scholarship and recognized as ROTC All-American Scholarship Program Finalists. Each of their corresponding ROTC Booster Club, Alumni Fund, or Student Fund also receives a $1,500 donation.

Whom To Contact:

If you’re an ROTC leader and wish to nominate a student, you can also submit Your Nomination. For any questions, you can email Samantha at:

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People Also Ask:

  • How hard is it to get a Navy ROTC scholarship?

Despite the Navy ROTC scholarship being extremely competitive, if you are devoted, driven, and resourceful, there is a place for you. Contact a recruiter to explore the best opportunities for you.

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